The road to continuous deployment (PHPCon Poland 2016)

Below are the slides of my talk “The road to continuous deployment: a case study”, as presented at PHPCon Poland in October 2016.

It’s a situation many of us are familiar with: a large legacy application, limited or no tests, slow & manual release process, low velocity, no confidence…. Oh, and management wants new features, fast.

But how to proceed? Using examples and lessons learned from a real-world case, I’ll show you how to strangle the legacy application with a modern service architecture and build a continuous deployment pipeline to deliver value from the first sprint. On the way, we take a look at testing strategies and various (possibly controversial!) tips and best practices.

CD: Continuous Delivery or Continuous Deployment?

I’m writing this post to contribute my take on the acronym CD, and the distinction (or perhaps, confusion) between the phrases Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment. These phrases are used interchangeably, and sometimes incorrectly, in various books, blogs and talks. And while these software engineering approaches (or disciplines) share a lot, there is one key difference.

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