Below are the slides of my talk “CQRS & Event Sourcing in the wild”, as presented at ScotlandPHP 2016.
I had a lot of fun presenting this talk. I felt the content gave everybody a slightly more balanced view of CQRS / Event Sourcing and what you can expect when you apply those technologies in production. As a bonus, later that day at the closing social, I spent part of the night doing a live coding / tutorial session (over beers) with a few of the attendees.
CQRS & event sourcing are currently very popular topics in the PHP community. However, most blogs and talks focus on the theory, simple applications or introductions to one of the CQRS / event sourcing frameworks currently available for PHP, not necessarily the challenges of a production deployment.
In this session we will try to bridge that gap and look at some of the issues that popped up during a real-world deployment of an event sourced application. We’ll discuss a few strategies to deal with these issues and how they would apply to current PHP event sourcing frameworks.